I was listening to my little sister and cousins. They all agree that if there were no boys in this world, they would paint the sky pink.
I feel extremely sorry for anyone who has never been to Disneyland. Especially with their best friends.
Sometimes I get very tired of Erica and Phil. Until I get to sing them to sleep. That night light really shows their good side.
I really enjoy baking things. As long as people smile when they taste it.
Very often I find myself thinking," How could it get any better than this?"
Sometimes I wonder what life would be like without Oreos. ........................Nope, I just can't picture it.
I feel extremely sorry for anyone who has never been to Disneyland. Especially with their best friends.
Sometimes I get very tired of Erica and Phil. Until I get to sing them to sleep. That night light really shows their good side.
I really enjoy baking things. As long as people smile when they taste it.
Very often I find myself thinking," How could it get any better than this?"
Sometimes I wonder what life would be like without Oreos. ........................Nope, I just can't picture it.
*GASP* no Oreos!!!!! that would be horrible!!! - don't even speak of such things! :)
Brandy, at 6:36 PM, February 06, 2006
I can totally see the nightlight thing. Rebecca looks like an angel when she is sleeping.
Gloria, at 8:37 PM, February 06, 2006
-Pink sky...different for sure
-I have never been to Disney land
-I have never sung anyone to sleep(They never want me to)
-I don't like to bake. But I do like to eat baked things
-You sound content
-Some how... Mountain Dew comes to mind there. (still havn't tried it though.)
Mike, at 9:24 PM, February 06, 2006
um, MikeY - there's a VERY good reason why they don't ask you to sing them to sleep :) really!
Brandy, at 10:28 PM, February 06, 2006
How would you know?
Mike, at 7:53 AM, February 07, 2006
dude. your uh, 'singing' kinda drowns out the rest of us in class.... believe me - i KNOW.
Brandy, at 4:02 PM, February 07, 2006
burn!(i learned that from my brothers by the way.)the pink sky thing is that from megan?
amanda, at 4:30 PM, February 07, 2006
I feel insulted. "BRANDY!"
Mike, at 11:18 AM, February 08, 2006
soo true about the sky thing
and i have not been 2 disneyland but i really want to!!!
~*!*~Abby~*!*~, at 11:47 AM, February 08, 2006
Me tooooooo!!!i like the post kayla
~Em~, at 5:18 PM, February 08, 2006
we must remedy that!!! i don't want you to feel sorry for me, so we should go to Disneyland as soon as possible!! :)
Brandy, at 7:58 PM, February 09, 2006
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