posted by Kayla DeWaard at 10:56 AM
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By Mike, at 4:44 PM, December 15, 2005
Is this how you feel Kayla?
By Mike, at 4:54 PM, December 15, 2005
*laughing* That was a good one Kayla. But that is NOT how I feel about my parents.
By Gloria, at 10:08 PM, December 15, 2005
of course that's not how I feel about my parents.I don't think you guys understand my sense of humor.
By Kayla DeWaard, at 10:11 AM, December 16, 2005
Maybe you don't understand MY sense of humor.
By Mike, at 6:21 PM, December 16, 2005
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Mike, at 4:44 PM, December 15, 2005
Is this how you feel Kayla?
Mike, at 4:54 PM, December 15, 2005
*laughing* That was a good one Kayla. But that is NOT how I feel about my parents.
Gloria, at 10:08 PM, December 15, 2005
of course that's not how I feel about my parents.I don't think you guys understand my sense of humor.
Kayla DeWaard, at 10:11 AM, December 16, 2005
Maybe you don't understand MY sense of humor.
Mike, at 6:21 PM, December 16, 2005
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