posted by Kayla DeWaard at 2:57 PM
aarrrrgggg!!!! that is a horrible picture of me!!!!!
By Brandy, at 3:33 PM, January 12, 2006
?!WHAT!? That is a very nice picture of you Brandy. No Kayla I don't mind.
By Gloria, at 4:11 PM, January 12, 2006
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By Gloria, at 5:36 PM, January 13, 2006
You're 1/2 of both pictures, if you put more friends there, you're Kayla to friends ratio would be greater.
By Mike, at 5:55 PM, January 13, 2006
i have a problem "i don't know how to post on cassi's blog"!HELP!
By amanda, at 1:36 PM, January 14, 2006
its right next to the title of the post title.
By Cassi, at 6:38 PM, January 14, 2006
okay thanks!
By amanda, at 7:03 PM, January 14, 2006
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"I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit. "No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. It's just that something happened to it along the way." Winnie the Pooh
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aarrrrgggg!!!! that is a horrible picture of me!!!!!
Brandy, at 3:33 PM, January 12, 2006
?!WHAT!? That is a very nice picture of you Brandy.
No Kayla I don't mind.
Gloria, at 4:11 PM, January 12, 2006
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Gloria, at 5:36 PM, January 13, 2006
You're 1/2 of both pictures, if you put more friends there, you're Kayla to friends ratio would be greater.
Mike, at 5:55 PM, January 13, 2006
i have a problem "i don't know how to post on cassi's blog"!HELP!
amanda, at 1:36 PM, January 14, 2006
its right next to the title of the post title.
Cassi, at 6:38 PM, January 14, 2006
okay thanks!
amanda, at 7:03 PM, January 14, 2006
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